Short Story Treasure Hunt and Blog Party
Your Challenge
Copyright and Fair Use
Creative Commons
Treasure Books
Teacher Info

Preparation required for this lesson:

This lesson could take place during one class period, or over several different class periods, depending on how long each class period lasts. It should be conducted in a computer classroom so that the students can follow along with the buILder designed for this lesson.


The classroom teacher and library media specialist will identify age-appropriate short story and essay collections/anthologies in the library and classroom. If needed, inexpensive used paperback short story or essay collections could be purchased or borrowed for the project. Special bookmarks will be placed in each book, identifying them as part of the Short Story Treasure Hunt. The bookmarks will be numbered so that each book can be tracked. The library books will remain shelved in the library and the other books will be “hidden” in various secure places throughout the school – the front office, the eighth grade classrooms, the guidance office, etc. If possible,  bookmarks could be placed in relevant books at the public library also, to encourage the students to visit and to provide more book choices. Each book location will be recorded in a central log so that the classroom teacher and LMS can keep track of them. Library books will be checked out from the library, but will still be recorded on the central log.



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