Short Story Treasure Hunt and Blog Party
Your Challenge
Copyright and Fair Use
Creative Commons
Treasure Books
Teacher Info

treasureAvast! You have been challenged to a duel!

Ok, not really, but there is an assignment.

You are required to find at least three different “treasure” books during the course of this project. the books will be hidden in various places around the school. Possible locations include the library, the classroom, the front office, the guidance office, etc. Some books are also hidden at the Saranac Lake Public Library. You will know the book is part of the Short Story Treasure Hunt because it will include a special numbered bookmark. PLEASE KEEP THE BOOKMARK IN THE BOOK AT ALL TIMES. These bookmarks will be used to track each book by number.

Your challenge is as follows:

  1. Find a book and enter it into the Ship's Log in your classroom. You must find at least one of your three books in the library collection. Library books must be checked out in the regular way, then they must be entered into the Ship's Log as well.
  2. Read at least one of the short stories or essays from each book.
  3. Post a summary of your story/essay on the blog. Each blog summary must include: (a) a one-paragraph plot summary, (b) a one-paragraph literary commentary about the story, (c) the proper MLA citation for the story, and (d) at least one public domain, creative commons licensed, or fair use photo, video, graphic, animation, etc., properly cited.
  4. After you are finished with your book, re-hide it for one of your fellow students to find. If it is a library book, it must be returned to the library. If it is not a library book, you can either hide it where you found it or someplace else. If you choose a new location, make sure it is accessible to everyone in your class (i.e. not in the girl's bathroom) and in a secure enough location that it won't be inadvertently taken (i.e. not left on a table in the cafeteria).
  5. Log your book out of the ship's log and go look for another one!
  6. In addition to your three blog postings from three different books, you are required to comment on at least three blog posts written by other students. Your comments must be polite and constructive. Any inappropriate language or disrespectful behavior will cause you to lose points on this assignment. Comments can be brief, but must go beyond, "This sounds like a good story." For example, if you think it sounds like a good story, you can say so, but say WHY you think so, or bring in examples of a story you read that has similar themes. 

NOTE: the blog postings must be on three different stories from three different books.

Questions or comments? Contact DataMomentum team for general information.