Brief Description: The twelve students in the community-based education class at Johnson City High School have been working on creating their own businesses. So far, they have created names, products and pricing for their respective businesses. This project will help students to understand advertising and to develop advertising for their businesses. The lesson requires four days for completion, with the first two days in the classroom, followed by two days in the computer lab of the library. The students already have experience in using presentation software. They are highly-motivated by the use of technology. Students’ reading levels range from Grade 1 to Grade 4. Disabilities include autism and varying degrees of mental retardation. The students enjoy working cooperatively.
Learning Objectives:
Support Materials/Equipment:
Content |
Technique (methods, media, materials) |
Introduction |
1. The Special Education teacher introduces the LMS and both explain how the advertising project ties into the business plans they have been working on. LMS shows exemplar of final product. |
ELMO—Show PowerPoint slide printout.
Provide handout to visually-impaired student. |
Body |
ELMO- Show cartoon.
Provide handout to visually-impaired student. |
2. LMS hands out sheet and instructs students to write four ways that the product is advertised. [billboards, trucks, posters, man dressed as can of soda aka “walking billboard”] |
Handout to be completed by students. (Students with difficulty writing may be assessed verbally or nonverbally by pointing to illustration on desk or as projected.) |
3. LMS focuses students on the couple at the table eating outdoors. “What can you say about this couple?” [They are similarly dressed.] “What is happening at the table?” [They are ordering.] “What do you think he is saying?” LMS reveals that the man says, “I’ll have what she’s having.” [Despite the multiple depictions of canned soda, he chooses the same bottled (orange) soda his companion is having.] |
4. LMS talks about the effectiveness of the advertising depicted. “What do you think? Have you ever bought a product or observed someone else buying a product simply because he/she saw an advertisement? Would this ad persuade you to buy the product? Why or why not? |
5. LMS reveals the caption of the cartoon: “The Power of “Word of Mouth” LMS asks: What is the author’s perspective about the effectiveness of advertising?” |
Conclusion (15 minutes):
1. LMS summarizes the four advertising methods used in the cartoon and puts them on semantic map. LMS says, “In addition to these ways, what are some other ways businesses advertise products? [print, television…] LMS includes these on a semantic diagram created in Inspiration. Students may then use the related BuILder lesson to create their advertisement. BuILder lesson can be accessed at the following URL: |
Worksheets - Ten points each for correctly completed worksheets (40 points total)
Advertisement- Four points maximum each item on the rubric (40 points total)
Rubric for Advertisement Project
Name of business
No creativity |
Little creativity |
Some creativity |
Creative |
Slogan and explanation
Not clear No explanation
Little clarity Little explanation |
Some creativity Some explanation |
Creative Well-explained |
None |
1-2 |
3-4 |
Many pictures, colorful |
Very confusing or absent |
Incomplete Difficult to find |
Complete Could be easier to find |
Complete Easy to find |
No number given |
Incomplete Difficult to find |
Complete Could be easier to find |
Complete Easy to find |
Listing of services or items
Very few items listed |
A few items listed |
Modest number of items listed |
Complete list |
Pricing of services or items listed
Confusing Unrealistic |
Incomplete Not clear |
Somewhat complete Somewhat clear |
Complete Clear |
Overall appearance of advertisement
Not acceptable |
Fair |
Good |
Excellent |
Maximum number of points for both worksheets and advertisement = 80 points