The learning objectives of this lesson are:
The support materials needed for this lesson include:
Colorful felt "Pyramid" board with detachable velcro covers that are removed to reveal category when students provid correct answers, computer, Internt resources, databases in high school and public libraries, books, magazines, journal.notebook (provided by student), graphic organizer (to be developed) and assessment rubric (included with this lesson plan).
This is the second of a two part lesson performed in collaboration with the Health teacher (Teacher). The first lesson was 40 minutes in length. The second is 2 consecutive 40 minute classes. The second lesson should be conducted at least one week after the first lesson. The final project will be submitted in a 4th class that is at least 10 days after the second lesson begins.
(Note: In lesson 1, Teacher and LMS will teach about body weight/body mass index, the Food Pyramid and healthy eating. At the end of the lesson, students are assigned the task of keeping a detailed journal for 1 week to record eating habits (foods eaten, time of day, conditions when eating), participation in fitness activities (type of activity and duration), hours slept, stressful conditions experienced, etc. which will be used in Lesson 2 the following week).
Lesson 2 - Day 1
Introduction (15 minutes)
To reinforce the food pramid taught in Lesson 1, play the game show $100,000 Pyramid, using the "Big Pyramid" bonus round of the show as the basis for this activity. For each of 10 categories (e.g. proteins, magazines based on health & fitness, foods with Vitamin C, reasons people give for not exercising, sports stars - male & female, ways to relax, etc.), generate a list of key items within that category. Students will need to guess the category by shouting out the answer as LMS lists category items.
Body (20 minutes):
1) As a group, brainstorm "fun fitness" activities that can be done independently or with a group.
2) Teacher will explain project requirements and related final project, provide graphic organizer and grading rubric. Project requirements include:
3) After presentation of project, LMS will remind students of resource availability. Students will form groups and begin organizing and researching. Teacher and LMS will circulate among students to provide instructional and motivational feedback to students while they work.
Conclusion (5 minutes)
Teacher will remind students of the due date of final project and that they will be given the next day in class to complete research and/or work on final product. LMS will invite students to come to library media center during remainder of day and that databases are available from their home computer.
Lesson 2 - Day 2
Introduction (5 minutes)
Students reminded of due dates of project and given option of staying in classroom to work on final product and/or go to Library Media Center to complete research before working on final product.
Body (30 minutes)
Students work on group project work. Teacher circulates and is available in classroom with LMS available in library media center.
Conclusion (5 minutes)
1) At end of period, Teacher and LMS will remind students in their respective locations of expectations and due date of group project and personal journals. They will invite students to return to library media center to gather additional information and/or complete project.
2) After projects are turned in and graded (separate grading rubric provided to students), they will be displayed in the library media center for all high school students to get ideas for fitness and good tasting, yet healthy recipes.
3) If students are interested, have them make one of the recipes and share with fellow students in a class on a mutually agreed upon day.
Methods for Lesson 2: