Students evaluate two very real-looking websites on the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide as part of an assignment to take a position on whether or not dihydrogen monoxide should be banned as a dangerous substance. Subsequent comparison to other sources reveals dihydrogen monoxide as an obscure name for water.
Students will:
-Conduct an internet research lesson using the buILder tool to access three websites on the internet.
-Use the DUPED criterion to critically analyze the three websites.
-Gain skills on how to evaluate websites.
Introduction (5 minutes): LMS will introduce the lesson. Keep the introduction short so as not to tip off the students to the actual outcome of the lesson.
1. Students will be using a new buILder tool similar to a webquest to do a mini research lesson.
2. Direct student to website
3. Explain how the buILder works. Ex. Need to go to left bar and proceed through the steps in order.
(methods, media, materials)Direct Instruction, hands on activity, computers, worksheet
Body (30 minutes): Have students form pairs and begin the lesson at the home page.
D ate published or last updated
URL of website
Pop up ads on the webpage
E –mail address to contact someone
Who Designed and created the website
They may begin doing the tasks. Allow about 5 minutes for each website. Reiterate that it would be beneficial if they read the text on the websites.
(methods, media, materials)
Direct Instruction, Laptop, LCD projector, computers, PowerPoint, worksheet
Learning Assessment Method(s): Worksheet asks the student to find date, email, url, pop up and ads. The worksheet can be collected and graded by the collaborating teacher. Also, teacher could ask students to demonstrate the skills learned such as truncate a URL. It also could be a first grade in a larger project.