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The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize students with the layout of the library and is coordinated with a map unit in the classroom. Students are told they are explorers and their territory is the library. With an outline map of the library, they use their skills to record the various areas of the library. Relating library skills to classroom lessons is an excellent technique to promote students' interest. Students see a need for the skills and can see the relevance of learning.
Goals & Objectives:

Learning Objectives: 1. The student is able to locate important areas of the media center.


2. The student understands how to read a map.


3. The student is able to create a map of a given area.


4. The student will gain knowledge of vocabulary used in the library.


Motivational Goals: Reinforce confidence in research ability.

Materials & Sources:
Outline map of media center Pencils Overhead Transparency of outline map Overhead markers

Pre-Activity: Introduction of maps and map skills in classroom. Discussion of vocabulary such as circulation, reference, etc.


Activity: 1. Students are told that today they are explorers, exploring a territory. The territory is the library and they must explore to find out as much as they can about what it contains. This activity may be done individually or with a partner.


2. Students are given an outline map of the library. It should have correct directional symbols. They are also given areas of the library to record on the map such as the non-fiction books, fiction books, easy books, reference section, biographies, circulation desk, computers, periodicals, book return, etc. There can be a key such as NF = non-fiction or older students may want to design their own map key.


3. Give students ample class time to explore and discover sections of the library. This may take more than one class period.


4. Regroup at instruction area. Using an outline map and the overhead, choose students to come up and record areas on the map. Others can correct their maps as each section is recorded and discussed.

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Presented By: Jean Maier
Website by Data Momentum, Inc.