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1. Set up lesson tracking notebook to record class progress. This lesson should progress throughout the school year.
2. Survey by show of hands how many students have home computers, Internet connections, and who is allowed to surf unsupervised. The following four discussion steps should be repeated throughout the school year.
3. Classroom: Discuss filters (many school districts have filters installed) and how filters work by screening inappropriate words, but do not work for images, since the screening software cannot recognize images).
4. Classroom: Discuss how loosely phrased Internet searches can return inappropriate sites, including gambling, pornography, hate sites, and many others.
5. Classroom: Discuss how Internet searches are not private. Searches are tracked by software and reports generated can identify what time and which computer was used.
6. Classroom: Discuss what to do if students inadvertently access an inappropriate site. (Use back button, quit browser, last resort turn computer off). Mention how this is annoying and ask for a show of hands how many students have had this situation.
7. Classroom: Explain how a “Safe Search” will stop some of this aggravation and exposure to unwanted sites.
8. Computer Lab: Demonstration/Handout: Open Internet browser, enter URL: www.google.com (recommended due to safe search capabilities). Demonstrate how to safely search for images. See handout for specific details (Google Image Search).
9. Classroom: Internet Safety segment (three to five lessons depending on class discussions). Send “Negative Permission Slip” one-week prior to lessons. See Supporting Materials. Using isafe (http://www.isafe.org ) or other district approved Internet safety course. End Internet Safety Course with discussion of why meeting strangers online is dangerous, including why students should NOT call strangers. Emphasize the use of caller ID. Ask who has caller ID and how it works.
10.Classroom: Phone Book Segment: Ask how a stranger with a student’s phone could find his/her home location. Using the backwards index in the phone book demonstrate how this is possible (have students search for their school’s phone number). Once students have learned to use this tool, they are able to look up their own number (if listed) and those of their friends.
11.Computer Lab: Internet Directory Segment: Exploring the use of Internet Phonebooks and Reverse Indexes (Whitepages.com). Using Google. See supporting materials for navigation tips (Google Directory Search). While navigating to the Internet White Pages note how the “visual clues” or path is displayed. This guide helps students understand the layers of a web page and provides clues as to where they are. Using Reverse Phone, search school’s phone number. Click Map option Students may check their own phone numbers Reinforce the dangers of calling strangers.
12.Computer Lab: Ego Internet searches, using Google’s Web search (teaches the use of a phrase search and the reliability of hits). Demonstrate using own name. Select advanced search Locate “SafeSearch” Select “Filter Using SafeSearch” Enter first and last name in “Exact Phrase box” Examine results. This can be pretty funny.
13.Computer Lab: Explore other Search Engines
14.Computer lab: Explore the number of hits when using a singular and plural term. See Support Materials for student recording handout (Google Singular