Shakespeare Controversies

There are two big mysteries surrounding the life of William Shakespeare: 

                      The Lost Years    

There are few or no documented facts about the life of William Shakespeare between 1578 and 1592! This time is therefore referred to as the Lost Years.  Between 1582 and 1592 there are only four documented facts about William Shakespeare.  With such little documented evidence of the life of William Shakespeare, the period between 1578 and 1592 is therefore called the LOST YEARS.


              The Authorship Controversy    

William Shakespeare.  1564-1616.   He was not of an age, but for all time.  Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, he was nourished at the Stratford Grammar School, went to London, became a playwright, and attained eternal fame.

        But there’s one small problem.  Almost since his death, people have said maybe it isn’t so!


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