Thanksgiving Guest Book and Power Point Presentation

Presented by: Cynthia Tidd

Subject Area(s):

Grade Level(s):


The students will listen, speak, write, illustrate, and read in response to a Thanksgiving story. After listening to the Thanksgiving story, students will orally respond by stating who they would like to invite to Thanksgiving dinner. The students will then write the sentence: " I will invite _______" and illustrating their sentence. For the next class, the teacher will have prepared a Power Point presentation using the students work. The students will stand and read aloud their sentence as it appears during the slide show. Guests may be invited for this presentation. Students will enjoy seeing their work presented in this format and take pride in their work. The teacher will surprise the class by presenting them with the booklet which the students have written and illustrated.

Goals & Objectives:

The students will:
1. listen attentively to a story.
2. respond to questions posed about the story.
3. write and complete the sentence: "I will invite ___________________".
4. illustrate their written work.
5. orally share their work when it is presented in the Power Point presentation.
6. listen and watch attentively while classmates are presenting.


1. Thanksgiving picture book such as "A Turkey for Thanksgiving" by Eve Bunting.
2. construction paper, pencils, crayons
3. Power Point software, scanner, computer projector, screen
4. booklet assembled from students work


Book used "A Turkey for Thanksgiving" written by Eve Bunting.


Class #1
1. The LMS will read aloud "A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting, or another Thanksgiving story.

2. The students will share aloud who they would like to invite to Thanksgiving dinner.

3. On construction paper, students will write and complete the sentence: " I will invite (or ask) _________________." This can be written on the board for the students to copy.

Students will also illustrate their writing. The LMS and classroom teacher will assist and monitor the students with this activity.

Before the next class, the LMS will make a Power Point slide show of the students work by scanning in each of the students papers. Also, the LMS will make a booklet by stapling or binding together the students papers.

Class #2

1. Students will recall the story and activity from the previous class.

2. The LMS and/or classroom teacher will explain the Power Point presentation and model how the students will stand and read aloud their sentence when it appears in the slide show.

3. The LMS and/or classroom teacher will model how the audience will sit quietly and listen attentively to the presentor.

4. After the slide show, the LMS will present the students and classroom teacher with the booklet which they can share in their classroom.


1. The students and teachers will interact with questions and answers throughout the lessons.

2. The teachers will observe the students listening,writing, speaking, and illustrating.

Supporting Files:
