Haiku Poetry, Google Earth and “Wabi Sabi” Too!

Presented by: Margaret Middleton

Subject Area(s):

Grade Level(s):


This literacy lesson is designed for 3rd grade students as an introductory lesson to haiku poetry. The library media specialist (LMS), 3rd grade classroom teacher and art teacher will work together on this innovative lesson by utilizing a picture book, Google Earth technology and collage artistry to teach students how to write and illustrate haiku poetry. This lesson is typically done in April during National Poetry Month to help build an awareness and appreciation of poetry. The classroom teacher will read the picture book “Wabi Sabi” by Mark Reibstein and Ed Young to expose students to haiku poetry and its importance to Japanese culture. The LMS will use the technology tool Google Earth to take students on a Google Lit Trip to Kyoto, Japan and follow the journey of the main character, a brown cat named Wabi Sabi, who is on a quest to find the “ true meaning” of her name. At the conclusion of this lesson the students will be required to compose a “What Am I?” haiku poem and create an artistic collage that represents their chosen haiku topic. All of the composed haikus and illustrated collages will be combined together and made into a classroom/library book. The introductory lesson will take approximately 45 minutes however additional time needs to be provided by the classroom teacher and art teacher to allow students to write quality haiku poems and create three dimensional artistic collages.

Goals & Objectives:

Instructional Goals:

-Students will develop an awareness of poetry and gain a better understanding of haiku poetry’s influence on Japanese culture.

    -Students will learn how to write a haiku poem.

    -The students will learn how to publish a classroom  poetry book.

    -Students will learn how to make a three dimensional artistic collage.

    -Students will gain a better understanding of Google Earth and how it can be used in student learning.

Learning Objectives:

    -During group discussions, third grade students will be able to verbally give one example of how poetry can be an important aspect of a countries’ culture.

    -Third grade students will be able to write one practice haiku poem during library instruction and one “What Am I?” haiku poem in the classroom using teacher made handouts.

    -Third grade students, during art class, will design a three dimensional artistic collage utilizing a variety of art materials to illustrate the chosen theme of their haiku poem.

    -Third grade students will combine each student made haiku poem and collage to create a classroom book.

    -During group discussions, third grade students will be able to verbally discuss what Google Earth is and how it can be used in student learning.



Visual Graphic of Suitcases

Graphic Organizer List #1-5

Teacher Handouts #1-5




Reibstein, Mark & Young, Ed. “Wabi Sabi”. 2008. Little, Brown & Company.




Google Earth



http://www.poets.org/page.php/prmID/98 )



      See atached supporting  file " Haiku Poetry, Google Earth and "Wabi Sabi" Too! lesson1" for detailed procedures.


• Teacher/LMS observations

• Practice Haiku Worksheet

• Haiku Peer Editing Checklist

• Question/Answer responses

• Student Think/Pair Share to evaluate lesson’s effectiveness

• Student literacy project (poetry book page)

Supporting Files:
