Smart Art Searching

Presented by: Elizabeth Angelastro

Subject Area(s):

Grade Level(s):


In this lesson, high school Studio Art I students will search, explore and evaluate a variety of resources that provide fine art images. Through a combination of analytical and collaborative activities in the SLMC, the students will make connections between literacy and its visual component. To be verbally literate, one must master the basic components of written language: the letters, words, spelling, grammar, and syntax. Similarly, visual literacy follows the same principles. Just as there are components and common meaning for the elements of verbal literacy, components and common meaning exist for the elements of visual literacy. Visual literacy is the ability to interpret, use, appreciate, and create images and video using both conventional and 21st century media in ways that advance thinking, decision-making, communication, and learning (Schrock). Students will be better able to determine relevant fine art images and be better information seekers as their visual literacy develops.

This lesson is intended for one class period, with time outside of class required for contributions to the wiki. This teacher-librarian taught lesson is part of an overall self-portraiture art unit presented by the art teacher. The unit will include having students research an artist�s development through self-portraiture by examining visual elements and conclude with the creation of a self-portrait that reflects their learning.

Goals & Objectives:

Instructional Goals: 

Learning Objectives:

 Motivational Goals:


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Supporting Files:
